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Nabil Slitine on Grand Ftour at M-Avenue: A Night of Solidarity

Nabil Slitine on Grand Ftour at M-Avenue: A Night of Solidarity

Nabil Slitine, the CEO of M-Avenue, takes center stage as the co-organizer of the second edition of the “FTOUR DU COEUR ET DES SENS”, an event that promises an evening of culinary delights, charitable giving, and community engagement.

As the doors opened to welcome approximately 1500 guests, excitement filled the air. The venue buzzed with anticipation as attendees prepared to share a meal and come together for a worthy cause. Nabil Slitine, alongside his team and co-organizers, had meticulously planned every detail to ensure a memorable evening.

“We are thrilled today to host about 1500 people who will share their meal with us,” said Nabil Slitine. “And we are also very grateful to all the donors who supported this edition, which enabled us to bring this event to life.”

The Grand Ftor of Heart And Senses isn’t just about breaking bread together; it’s about breaking barriers and forging connections. It’s a celebration of unity, compassion, and the power of collective action. Through this event, Nabil Slitine and his team aimed to create an inclusive space where people from all walks of life could come together, share a meal, and make a difference.

What makes this event even more remarkable is its philanthropic mission. Nabil Slitine and the organizers made a conscious decision to donate all profits from the event to the SOS VILLAGE association for the reconstruction of schools in the Haouz region. This commitment to giving back underscores Nabil Slitine’s belief in using business as a force for good and making a tangible impact on communities in need.

The SOS VILLAGE association plays a crucial role in providing education and support to vulnerable children and families. By directing the proceeds from the Grand Ftor of Heart And Senses towards rebuilding schools in the Haouz region, Nabil Slitine and his team are contributing to the long-term development and empowerment of local communities.

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In addition to the financial contribution, events like the Grand Ftor of Heart And Senses serve as platforms for raising awareness and fostering solidarity. They remind us of the importance of coming together to address social challenges and create a brighter future for all.

As the evening unfolds and guests enjoy their meals, laughter, and conversations, it’s evident that Nabil Slitine’s vision for the Grand Ftor of Heart And Senses has been realized. It’s not just a dinner event; it’s a testament to the power of compassion, generosity, and collective action.

In a world often divided by differences, Nabil Slitine and the organizers of the Grand Ftor of Heart And Senses have shown that when we come together with purpose and compassion, we can truly make a difference. As the event draws to a close, the impact of this evening will resonate far beyond the walls of the venue, touching the lives of those in need and inspiring others to follow suit.

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